Dear Tribal Leader Letter Regarding Uniform State ICWA Law

The Uniform Law Commission is seeking to consult with tribes regarding the need and/or benefit of a uniform ICWA law for those states that either need to update their current state laws or do not have one yet. Consultation will be held via zoom on September 6, with written comments accepted through September 30. Please see the letter for additional details on the project. Please distribute widely.

ULC ICWA Committee Report to Scope Committee

Dear Tribal Leader Letter

Dear Tribal Leader Letter re. ICWA Support

Letter Here

The Administration (DOI, HHS, and DOJ) are asking for input on the following:

What additional supports would Tribal leaders find helpful to build their Tribe’s capacity to exercise their rights and responsibilities under ICWA? 

Are there specific supports you believe the federal government could provide to help state courts and child welfare agencies meet their obligations under ICW A?

In your experience, are there specific aspects or requirements of ICWA where state courts and agencies need to build greater understanding or capacity? 

Are there existing State-Tribe collaborative partnerships or processes that you believe have helped support effective implementation ofICWA? 

Consultation is August 7 online and August 11 in Anchorage. Commends are due by September 15, 2023.

I might note the lawsuit regarding data and ICWA is ongoing in the Ninth Circuit, though the Administration has promised to issue a notice of rule making in October. A description of the issue of funding tribal systems (with citations) can be found here.