Gender-Affirming Care in Indian Country Amid Current Legislative Bans | April 23, 2024


April 23 @ 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm PDT

We invite you to join Indian Country ECHO for a Grand Rounds focused on gender-affirming care and legislation in Indigenous communities. In this series of presentations we will describe access to gender-affirming care in Indian Health Service and Tribal facilities in the context of current federal, state, and tribal laws and policies. We will explain tribal sovereignty as it relates to gender-affirming care and share clinical and legal resources for healthcare professionals serving Two-Spirit, Indigiqueer, transgender, and gender-expansive peoples. The one-hour Grand Rounds session includes an opportunity to engage in a didactic presentation, gain insight on how Indian Health Service and Tribal (I/T) facilities may effectively integrate gender-affirming care among legislative bans, become part of a learning community, join a Gender Affirming Care ECHO Program, and ask questions about navigating gender-affirming care in Indigenous healthcare systems. Clinical, public health, and legal experts will be present. CE will be available. At the end of this session, attendees will:

  • Define tribal sovereignty and gender-affirming care
  • Consider how tribal sovereignty relates to access health care in I/T facilities, with focus on gender-affirming care
  • Understand current tribal, national, and state laws and policies on gender-affirming health care for transgender and gender-expansive peoples
  • Clarify their role(s) in supporting access to gender-affirming health care in I/T facilities

To join, simply register for the 12pm PT April 23rd Grand Rounds event at:

Speaker(s): Available to Registered Participants