Don’t Wear Moccasins To Nightclubs in Vancouver. And Leave Your Golf Club Home Too.

Colleen Mitchell White, an Aboriginal woman, was denied access to “The Roxy,” a popular Vancouver nightclub, because she was wearing moccasins.  She was told by staff that there were no buffalo to hunt inside and that they didn’t “serve people in moccasins.”  The incident was recently re-heard before the B.C. Human Rights Tribunal; the Roxy had already succeeded in having the tribunal throw out the case in March, 2010, but Ms. Mitchell White applied for judicial review to the B.C. Supreme Court, which ordered the tribunal to take another look.

The Roxy accused Ms. Mitchell White of being confrontational with the security staff.  She was also arrested for public drunkenness after the incident.

Here’s the full story, as reported by The Globe and Mail.

2 thoughts on “Don’t Wear Moccasins To Nightclubs in Vancouver. And Leave Your Golf Club Home Too.

  1. Paramjyot Singh May 23, 2011 / 5:20 pm

    The “Roxy incident” should put each one of us to shame, for being part of a world where some still belive in segregation and blatantly deny dignity of self and expression…It must compel us to a serious introspection about the way we treat our fellow human beings. Ms. Mitchell White’s plight is the defeat of our collective conscience and responsibility towards her and should not be seen as an isolative incident at a nightclub…for those who inflicted humilation on her, patently disrobing her human rights are not alien beings but a very integral part of us…
    The Hon’ble B.C Supreme Court has set the ball in motion and let us hope the learned Tribunal gives it the right direction. No compensation or punishment will erase the emotional scar and psychological trauma Ms. Mitchell might have painfully endured…but a strongly worded judicial order will certainly stop future reoccurance of such incidents.

  2. Tony Montana May 24, 2011 / 1:07 pm

    The video evidence makes her a liar.

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