Supreme Court Grants Cert in Two Indian Law-Related Cases

The two cases are United States v. Navajo Nation (No. 07-1410) and Hawaii v. Office of Hawaiian Affairs (No. 07-1372). The good news is that the Court declined to grant cert in Kemp v. Osage (No. 07-1484).

From SCOTUSblog:

Docket: 07-1372
Title: Hawaii, et al. v. Office of Hawaiian Affairs, et al.
Issue: Whether a 1993 congressional resolution requires Hawaii to reach a political settlement with native Hawaiians before transferring some 1.2 million acres of state land.


Docket: 07-1410
Title: United States v. Navajo Nation
Issue: Whether the Court’s prior decision in United States v. Navajo Nation (2003) foreclosed a finding that the government breached fiduciary duties in connection with Indian coal lease amendments.

One thought on “Supreme Court Grants Cert in Two Indian Law-Related Cases

  1. John Petoskey October 2, 2008 / 8:34 pm

    Matthews’ long post of September 2nd on who would make the cert cut was correct. Let’s see if he can call who wins and loses in the final decision.

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