Indian Law Resource Center Video: “To the Indigenous Woman”

From the ILRC:

Please visit our website at and share our new video, “To the Indigenous Woman,” which is intended to raise awareness and help end violence against Native women.  If you click on the Take Action button, you will also find our first video, “Three Little Indians,” released about two weeks ago, along with oither resources and live testimony from our recent thematic hearing on violence against Native women before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.  Ryan Red Corn (Osage), with the help of the 1491s, developed the videos for us.

As you may know, on Thursday, November 10, 2011, the Senate Committee on Indian Affairs held a hearing on S. 1763, the SAVE Native Women Act, recently introduced by Chairman Akaka.  The hearing will be viewable by live webcast at

Thank you.


Jana L. Walker

Indian Law Resource Center