Fair Housing Act Case re: Lending on Indian Reservations

Here is the complaint in National Community Reinvestment Coalition v. Novastar Financial, before Judge Lamberth in the D.C. district court.


Here’s an excerpt from the complaint:

3. NovaStar maintains and publishes two lending eligibility policies that discriminate purposefully and intentionally against Native Americans and people with disabilities. Specifically, NovaStar’s underwriting guidelines and policies treat “Properties located on Indian reservations” and “Properties for adult foster care” as “Unacceptable” for its lending business. See Excerpts of Program Manual at p. 40, attached at Exh. A. These facially discriminatory policies explicitly treat loan applicants differently based on the protected characteristics of race, color, racial composition, national origin, and disability. In addition, these discriminatory policies have a significant disproportionate adverse impact on Native Americans and people with disabilities.