Bay Mills 6th Annual Noojimo’iwewin VAWA & ICWA Training: Registration Open

Registration is open for the 6th Annual Noojimo’iwewin: The VAWA and ICWA Training hosted by Bay Mills Indian Community, July 31-August 2, 2024.

Hosted in person with a virtual option, this year’s training theme is Healing Together. Book your stay at the Bay Mills Resort and Casino in Brimley, MI by July 15. Learn more and see the agenda here. CLE and social work CU credits are pending submission and approval.

Saginaw Chippewa Issues Release Opposing BMIC Vanderbilt Casino

Here is the press release:

The Tribal Council of the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe has taken a firm position against the Bay Mills attempt to push their way into Vanderbilt MI with class three gaming. “We have a long history of supporting the intent of the Indian Gaming Regulatory Act in honoring “On Reservation” gaming provisions within that act” stated Tribal Chief Dennis V. Kequom Sr. For many years the Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe has teamed with others who are like minded on the issue of off reservation gaming.

The Saginaw Chippewa Indian Tribe is committed to educate the public and elected officials of the negative implications to “Off reservation” gaming. If Bay Mills is allowed to conduct “Off Reservation” gaming it would open the flood gates to unlimited casino development saturating an already stressed market. The Federal Government rejects casino compacts unless a tribe has trust land. Vanderbilt is not in trust according to the Department of the Interior. The Tribe will continue to closely monitor Bay Mills activities and continue with its efforts to inform the public at large about the negative implications of the Bay Mills Indian community and their efforts elsewhere in the State.