Federal Court Allows Criminal Case Arising on Red Lake Reservation to Proceed

Here are the materials in United States v. Fisher (D. Minn.):

1 Indictment

22 Motion to Dismiss

25 Motion to Suppress

31 Fisher Memorandum

36 Government Response

37 Magistrate Report

38 Objection

40 DCT Order

Minnesota SCT Confirms Authority of Tribal Police to Detain and Expel Non-Indians from Rez

Here is the opinion in State v. Thompson:


The court’s syllabus:

When, on the Red Lake Reservation, a non-Indian violates a Minnesota law under circumstances where the non-Indian is subject to the State of Minnesota’s criminal jurisdiction, Red Lake Band police officers are authorized to detain and expel the non-Indian from the Reservation.

Eighth Circuit Affirms Use of “Indescribed” Tribal Court Convictions in Federal Sentencing

Here is the unpublished opinion in United States v. Jones, for a crime committed on the Red Lake Reservation:

CA8 Opinion in Jones

And the briefs:

Jones Opening Brief

USA Brief in Jones

An excerpt:

Here, the district court did not procedurally err in considering Jones’s tribal convictions. The Guidelines specifically permit a district court to consider tribal court convictions for the purpose of determining the adequacy of a defendant’s criminal history, see U.S.S.G. § 4A1.3(a)(2)(A), and this court has consistently approved tribal convictions as a permissible basis for departing upward from the advisory Guidelines range. See, e.g.,United States v. Cook, 615 F.3d 891, 893 (8th Cir.2010);United States v. Harlan, 368 F.3d 870, 874-75 (8th Cir.2004).

Nord v. Kelly — Tribal Court Jurisdiction over Tort Claim Arising on State Highway

Here, the Eighth Circuit affirmed the DCT opinion rejecting the jurisdiction of the Red Lake Band of Chippewa Indians tribal court over a tort claim arising out of an auto wreck on a state highway within the reservation. Judge Murphy concurred in a separate opinion, noting the distinction between the Red Lake Reservation, which has never been ceded, and the reservation of the Mandad, Hidatsa, and Arikara Nation, where the Strate case arose.

Here are the materials:

CA8 Opinion

Appellant Brief

Appellee Brief

Reply Brief