Hazen Shopbell’s Federal Civil Rights Claims Dismissed

Here are materials in Shopbell v. Washington State Dept. of Fish and Wildlife (W.D. Wash.):

86-0 Defendants’ Second Motion for Summary Judgment

94 Plaintiffs’ Response in Opposition to Defendants’ Third Motion for Summary Judgment

99 Defendants’ Reply in Support of Its Second Motion for Summary Judgment

115 DCT Order

Prior post here.

The Superior Court dismissed criminal shellfish trafficking charges against him because a Washington State Department of Fish and Wildlife detective destroyed exculpatory evidence.  Watch the hearing here: https://www.tvw.org/watch/?clientID=9375922947&eventID=2021011188. Here are the briefs in State of Washington v. Shopbell:

Amended Opening Brief of Appellant Skagit County

Brief of Respondents Hazen Shopbell and Anthony Paul

Reply Brief of Appellant Skagit County

Narragansett Smokeshop Case — Jones v. Jennings — Cert Petition

A case that I suspect has a pretty good shot at being heard by the Supreme Court, Jones v. Jennings, will be on the Court’s conference agenda for January 18, 2008. The case involves the smashing of the Narragansett Tribe’s fledgling smokeshop by state officers. Jones, the police officer, broke the ankle of Jennings, a tribal member, during the conflagration (which was caught on tape and played all over Indian Country for months).

In particular, the questions presented are:

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