Nobles v. North Carolina Cert Petition



Cert Petition

Questions presented:

The Major Crimes Act, 18 U.S.C. § 1153, grants the federal courts exclusive jurisdiction over listed offenses committed by an “Indian.”

The Questions Presented are:
I. How does one determine whether a defendant is an Indian?

II. Is Indian status a jury question?

Lower court materials here.

North Carolina SCT Decides Indian Status in Criminal Jurisdiction Case

Here are the materials in State v. Nobles:





Lower court materials here.

N.C. Trial Court Concludes First Generation Eastern Band Cherokee Descedent a Non-Indian for Criminal Jurisdiction Purposes

Here is the opinion in State v. Nobles:

Nobles Order Final 112613

Briefs are here.

Materials in North Carolina Capital Murder Case against First Generation Eastern Band Cherokee Descendant — A Reverse Crow Dog Case

Here are the materials in State v. Nobles:

Nobles Motion to Dismiss

Motion to dismiss (amended)

State’s Brief

Reply Brief

News coverage:

Sylva Herald 8-12

Sylva Herald 9-18