KG Urban Reply Brief in First Circuit Appeal


KG Urban Reply Brief

State of Massachusetts Brief (and Supporting Amicus) in KG Urban v. Patrick (1st Circuit)


Massachusetts Brief

Suffolk Indian Law Clinic Amicus Brief

Prior materials here.

Opening Brief in KG Urban v. Patrick (Mass. State Gaming Case)


KG Urban Motion to Expedite CA1 Appeal

Mass Response to Motion to Expedite

KG Urban Opening CA1 Brief

Lower court materials are here and here and here.

News coverage here, h/t Pechanga.

Materials in KG Urban Enterprises LLC v. Patrick: Federal Court Challenge Brought against Mass. Gaming Law (Tribal Provision) — UPDATED

Here are the materials:

KG Urban Complaint

2 KG v Patrick PI motion

9 KG v Patrick PI memo

Mass Opposition to Motion for PI

15 KG v Patrick answer

16B KG v Patrick PI resp memo

17 KG v Patrick Salinger aff