Washington COA Affirms Revocation of Colville Resident’s State Tobacco Wholesaler Certification

Here are the materials in Matheson v. State Dept. of Revenue (Wash. App.):

D2 45485-8-II Unpublished Opinion

And the briefs:

454858-Appellant’s Brief

454858-Reply Brief

454858-Respondent’s Brief

Federal Court Orders Appointment of Counsel for Individual Defendants in Grondal v. United States

Here are the materials in Grondal v. United States (E.D. Wash.):

232 US Motion for Summary J

275 Colville Motion to Dismiss

279 DCT Order re Supplemental Memorandums

280 Colville Supplement

281 US Supplement

293 Wapato Heritage Response

305-1 Colville Reply

306 US Reply

308 DCT Order re Additional Supplemental Briefing

312 Plaintiffs Supplemental Briefing

313 US Supplemental Briefing

315 Wapato Heritage Supplemental Briefing

316 Colville Supplemental Briefing

329 DCT Order re Appointment of Counsel

Prior rulings in this matter are here and here.

Washington Supreme Court Affirms State Authority to Search Tribal Trust Lands for Criminal Violations

Here is the opinion in State v. Clark. State v Clark (PDF)

Briefs and other materials here.

Materials in Federal DV Prosecution under Major Crimes Act (Colville)

Here are the materials so far in United States v. Flett (E.D. Wash.):

DCT Order re Pretrial Motions

Flett Indictment

Flett Motion to Dismiss

US Response

An excerpt:

On June 5, 2012, Tommie Joe Flett allegedly assaulted his estranged girlfriend at a residence that is located within the boundaries of the Colville Indian Reservation. The Colville Confederated Tribes charged Mr. Flett in tribal court with violations of tribal law. On August 24, 2012, Mr. Flett pleaded guilty in tribal court to the crime of “Battery (Domestic Violence).” During the process, he allegedly admitted assaulting his estranged girlfriend on June 5, 2012. The tribal judge sentenced Mr. Flett to a term of 360 days incarceration with credit for time served. The matter did not end there. The United States sought, and obtained, an indictment charging Mr. Flett with violations [2] of federal law. The federal indictment is based upon the same conduct that the 2012 tribal conviction is based upon. Counts one, two, and three allege Mr. Flett committed the crime of assault in Indian Country.18 U.S.C. §§ 1153(a)and113(a). Count four alleges he is subject to enhanced punishment based upon prior domestic violence convictions.18 U.S.C. § 117(a). The parties have filed a number of pretrial motions.

Washington SCt Briefs in State v. Clark — Authority of State Law Enforcement on Indian Trust Land

Here are the briefs in State v. Clark:

Lower court materials here.

Update in State of Washington v. Clark — Tribal Amicus Filings


Colville Amicus Brief in Support of Petition for Review

Tulalip Amicus Brief in Support of Petition for Review

The parties’ briefs at the COA are here.