Klamath Tribes Prevail in Klamath River Suit

Here are the materials in Klamath Tribes v. Bureau of Reclamation (D. Or.):

SCOTUS Declines to Review Ninth Circuit’s Rule 19/Tribal Immunity Decision

Here is Monday’s order list.

The petition was Klamath Irrigation District v. Bureau of Reclamation: petition and opposition briefs.

Federal and Tribal Briefs in Opposition in Klamath Irrigation District v. Bureau of Reclamation


This is the Trinity River @ Hoopa

Cert petition and other materials here.

Klamath Irrigation District v. Bureau of Reclamation Cert Petition [Rule 19 & Tribal Immunity]


Question presented:

Whether Federal Rule of Civil Procedure 19 requires dismissal of an action challenging a federal agency’s use of water subject to state-adjudicated water rights if a Native American tribe asserts an interest in the suit and does not consent to joinder.

Lower court materials here.

Jaune Smith

Slockish v. Dept. of Transportation Cert Petition


Question presented:

Whether the Ninth Circuit’s mootness ruling warrants summary reversal where the panel clearly misapprehended governing law on mootness and on the authority of federal courts to order equitable relief affecting nonparties.

Lower court materials here.

Klamath and Hoopa Tribes Prevail in Ninth Circuit Klamath River Water Distribution Challenge

Here is the opinion in Klamath Irrigation District v. Bureau of Reclamation.


Klamath irrigation Opening Brief

Shasta View Opening Brief

Hoopa Answer Brief

Klamath Answer Brief

Federal Answer Brief

Shasta View Reply


Lower court materials here.

Ninth Circuit Materials in Slockish v. FHA


Opening Brief

Indian Law Scholars Amicus Brief

Religious Groups Amicus Briefs

Religious Liberty Scholars Amicus Brief

Federal Answer Brief


Lower court materials here.


Ninth Circuit Briefs in Appeal of Warm Springs Member Attempting to Invoke McGirt to Challenge Federal Prosecution

Here are the briefs in United States v. Smith:

Smith Opening Brief

US Answer Brief

Lower court materials here.

UPDATE: Unpublished memorandum here.

En banc petition here: