Sault Tribe Appellate Court Rejects Challenges to Election that Opened Membership Rolls

Here is the opinion in McRorie v. Election Committee (Sault Tribe of Chippewa App. Ct.):

Eighth Circuit Rejects MHA Nation Citizens’ Voting Rights Suit

Here is the opinion in Cross v. Fox.


Lower court materials here.

Fort Berthold Agency

Federal Court Dismisses Challenge to Oglala Sioux Tribe Election

Here are the materials in Whalen v. Oglala Sioux Tribe Executive Officers (D.S.D.):

1 Complaint

8 Oglala Tribal Council Motion to Dismiss

9 Oglala Election Board Motion to Dismiss

12 Response

13 Council Reply

15 DCT Order

Ninth Circuit Decides Winnemucca Indian Colony v. United States [leadership dispute]

Here is the unpublished opinion in Winnemucca Indian Colony v. United States.

Briefs here.

Ninth Circuit Briefs in Winnemucca Indian Colony v. United States [leadership dispute]


Opening Brief

Appellee Brief


Oral argument:

Lower court materials here.