Michigan Public Service Commission Requests More Information re: Enbridge Line 5 Tunnel


Elizabeth LaPensée

Tribal brief here.

Keep the UP Wild: The Environmental Law and Policy Center (ELPC)

Keep the UP Wild

The Environmental Law and Policy Center (ELPC) and their Michigan partners are currently working on a project to designate four areas in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula as federal Wilderness areas – three new areas and one addition to an existing Wilderness area.

View a brief project memo describing this effort as well as the current crop of Existing Michigan Wilderness Areas in the state. Please visit their project website which lists the more than 125 existing organizations already supporting this effort. Indigenous voices, tribes, and the broader business community have been two of their highest prioritizations on this project.

Bay Mills Indian Community Continues Fight Against Line 5-Petition to Intervene in MI Public Service Commission Proceedings


2020-05-11 U-20763 Petition to Intevene by Bay Mills (Cover ltr+POS)

2020-05-13 U-20763 Comments of Bay Mills Indian Community + Attachments A-F (cover ltr +POS)

JoAnne Cook: “Water Is the Essence of Life”

Here, on the FLOW site.

An excerpt:

The Anishinaabek, who are the Indigenous people from the Great Lakes area, are born with an innate sense of our connection to everything around us. We feel the connection between us and all things in creation, whether it’s people, plants, or animals. We feel it in everything that is part of our Mother, the Earth. There is knowledge about creation and how it fits together and in balance. It isn’t easily expressed into words, as it is a way of thinking and being. We, the Anishinaabek, understand that living in balance with all things is what we seek. As caretakers of the Earth, we use what we need and strive to ensure it is there for the next seven generations.