Federal Government Sets Execution Date for Lezmond Mitchell

Here is “Justice Department sets execution date for only Native American on death row.”

Here is the most recent opinion in his case, where two Ninth Circuit judges questioned his sentence.

Below is a statement from counsel for Mr. Mitchell. Deputy Federal Public Defenders Jonathan Aminoff and Celeste Bacchi:
“With the enactment of the Federal Death Penalty Act, Congress made a commitment to the Native American peoples that no Native American would be subjected to the death penalty for a crime committed against a fellow Native American on Native American land unless the tribe consented. In what the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals referred to as a “betrayal of a promise made to the Navajo Nation,” the Department of Justice exploited a legal loophole and sought the death penalty against Mr. Mitchell for the federal crime of carjacking over the objection of the Navajo Nation, the victims’ family, and the local United States Attorney’s Office. The federal government’s announcement that it now plans to execute Lezmond Mitchell demonstrates the ultimate disrespect for the Navajo Nation’s values and sovereignty.
The Government’s contravention of tribal autonomy did not end with the decision to pursue a death sentence against Mr. Mitchell. In addition to the charging decision, the Government committed misconduct in the course of this prosecution by confining Mr. Mitchell in a tribal jail where they continually interrogated him over the course of 25 days without providing him an attorney. Furthermore, the Government systematically excluded Navajos from serving on Mr. Mitchell’s jury, resulting in a jury composed of 11 white people and only one Navajo. Unfortunately, we have been barred from investigating concerns of juror bias amongst Mr. Mitchell’s jury. Under these circumstances, allowing Mr. Mitchell’s execution to go forward would be a grave injustice and an unprecedented affront to tribal sovereignty, and it should not be permitted to proceed. We will continue to pursue all available avenues of relief for Mr. Mitchell from his unconstitutional convictions and death sentence.”


-Deputy Federal Public Defenders Jonathan Aminoff and Celeste Bacchi, attorneys for Lezmond Mitchell

-July 29, 2020

Bay Mills Indian Community Hosts Second Annual Noojimo’iwewin: A VAWA and ICWA Training

Bay Mills Indian Community is hosting its second annual Noojimo’iwewin: A VAWA and ICWA Training on August 5-7, 2020. Once again, the training will focus on issues of child welfare, domestic violence, and community healing. This year, the event is completely virtual. For more details, please see the press release or event website.

Press Release: July 29, 2020

Event website

Federal Court Holds Oklahoma Gaming Compacts Automatically Extend to 2035

Here are the materials in Cherokee Nation v. Stitt (W.D. Okla.):

125-1 Tribes Motion for Summary Judgment

126 State Motion for Summary Judgment

128 Wichita Tribes Motion for Summary Judgment

140 Tribes Response

141 State Response

142 State Response to Wichita Tribes

145 Wichita Tribes Response

149 DCT Order

Case tag here.

Update in Indian Students’ Claims against BIE School at Havasupai

Here are the updated materials in Stephen C. v. Bureau of Indian Education (D. Ariz.):

128 Third Amended Complaint

182 BIE Motion for Partial Summary J

184 Plaintiffs Motion for Partial Summary J

190 Plaintiffs Response

191 BIE Response

202 Plaintiffs Reply

203 BIE Reply

214 DCT Order

216 BIE Motion for Partial Relief

219 Plaintiffs Response

231 BIE Trial Brief on Section 504

233 BIE Trial Brief on Expert Witnesses

234 Plaintiffs Trial Brief on Reasonable Accommodations

235 Plaintiffs Trial Brief on Injunctive Relief

236 Plaintiffs Trial Brief on Section 504

Prior post here.