CARES Act Fund Distribution to ANCs Stayed Pending Appeal

Here are the new materials in Confederated Tribes of the Chehalis Reservation v. Mnuchin (D.D.C.):

99 Chelahis Motion for Stay Pending Appeal

102 Calista Response

103 Federal Response

104 ANC Response

105 Ahtna Response

106 Chehalis Reply

107 DCT Order on Stay

Prior post here.

Ninth Circuit Briefs in Yakama Nation Reservation Boundaries Case

Here are the briefs in Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation v. Klickitat County :

Yakama Opening Brief

County Opening Brief

US Amicus Brief

Lower court materials here.

Crosscut Article on Greer Case


ICWA was thereafter applied to the case, but the damage was done — the children were placed in foster care without the normal protections the law would have offered them. Now, the Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska are challenging the decision in the Washington State Supreme Court. If the court’s decision is upheld, advocates say the case could significantly weaken the use of ICWA in Washington by raising the bar for what qualifies as a “reason to know” that a child is “Indian” in the eyes of the law.

Kathryn Fort, director of Michigan State’s Indian Law Clinic, who is arguing on behalf of the tribes in the case involving Greer and Graham, says that it shouldn’t be so difficult. The burden of checking in with a tribe is low, she says, but the outcome has immense implications for the family, children and tribe.

Briefing and oral arguments here.

SCOTUS Lifts Stay on Nationwide Pipeline Permit Injunction but Not for Keystone XL

Here is the order in United States Army Corps of Engineers v. Northern Plains Resource Council.

Here are the briefs:

US Army Corps Stay Application



Lower court order here.

Federal Court Invalidates Dakota Access Pipeline Permits

Here is the order in Standing Rock Sioux Tribe v. United States Army Corps of Engineers (D.D.C.):

546 DCT Order

Related briefs:

507 US Brief

510 Dakota Access Brief

527 Tribal Plaintiffs Brief

531 Congressional Amicus Brief

532 Environmental Amicus Brief

533 Tribal Amicus Brief

536 US Reply

539 Dakota Access Reply

Prior post here.

Ninth Circuit Briefs in Lummi Tribe U& A

Here are the materials in United States v. Washington, subproceeding 11-02 (W.D. Wash.):

Lummi Tribe Brief

Port Gamble and Jamestown S’Kllalam Tribes Brief

Tulalip Brief

Lower Elwha Tribe Brief


Lower court materials here.