Federal Court Orders Eviction of Campers from Colville Allotment [. . . It’s a long story]

Here are the materials in Grondal v. Mill Bay Members Assn. (E.D. Wash.):





329 DCT Order re Appointment of Counsel

411 DCT Order re Representation of Indian Allottees








Related post here.

Federal Claims Court Rejects Ute Family’s “Bad Men” Claims on the Merits that Police Shot Relative, Police Had Destroyed the Evidence

Here are the materials in Jones v. United States (Fed. Cl.):

150-1 US Motion for Summary Judgment

156 Response

157 Reply

158 DCT Order

Prior post here.

SALT Virtual Series — Incorporating Anti-Racism Frameworks into Core Law School Classes

SALT Virtual Series: Social Justice in Action


Incorporating Anti-Racism Frameworks into Core Law School Classes


THURSDAY, July 30 at 3:00 pm

Register Here:  https://bit.ly/2Oewk1K

SALT encourages law schools across the country to take affirmative steps to promote justice, eradicate racism and support their law school communities in light of pervasive injustices. SALT is proud to announce a virtual series featuring law school teachers sharing their expertise on how to educate the next generation of lawyers, support students of color and dismantle structural inequality and racism in the United States. We will host monthly panel discussions on ways to combat racism and promote equity in law school. This work will include presentations on the integration of anti-racist frameworks in classes, promoting equity and inclusion in online teaching, anti-racist faculty hiring practices, and racialized trauma and fatigue.

The first session, Incorporating Anti-Racism Frameworks into Core Law School Classes, will be on July 30, 2020 at 3pm ET.

To attend, please register in advance at: https://msu.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJYpf-msqzgiG91326VGLxmLZpW9GUHGbiCn

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

See below for information on upcoming panels. More to come!

Incorporating Anti-Racism Frameworks into Core Law School Classes
– July 30, 2020 3pm ET – 4pm ET –

Promoting Equity and Inclusion in Online Teaching
–  August  21, 2020 3pm ET – 4pm ET –

Racialized Trauma and Fatigue Among Academic Activists
–  September 18, 2020 3pm ET – 4pm ET –

Anti-Racist Hiring Practices
–  October 16, 2020 3pm ET – 4pm ET –

Stacy Leeds on the Policing Impacts of McGirt

From Slate, here is “What the Landmark Supreme Court Decision Means for Policing Indigenous Oklahoma: For Indigenous people, cries of ‘law and order’ have always contained a loaded message.”

Also in Slate, Mark Joseph Stern’s “Why Gorsuch Keeps Joining the Liberals to Affirm Tribal Rights.